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Problem Report on Turkish Braille system on i devices
In this report, the problems related to Braille writing or reading on i Devices were carefully studied and stated in Detail.
We hope, Apple experts will realize and correct those problems.
Turkish Braille Alphabet Not Exist on 6 or 8-dot modes
As we write many many times before, The Turkish alphabet is not available on 6 or 8-dot modes on screen input Braille. On those modes we meet English alphabet. Since some people have difficulty to use contraction or to understand correction of what they type without character echo on contracted mode, many blind people still cannot use screen Braille input even if they wish a lot.
Problems on Particle Contractions
İn Turkish Braille screen input system on i devices, There are a couple of problems related to word particle contractions. There are 21 Word particle contractions in Turkish Braille system and those contractions can be used as a part of word in the beginning, middle or at the end of the word.
However, there are some exceptions. For instance the contractions ba (235), be (356), bu (23) cannot be used at the end of the word. In the same token, the contraction ki (3456) cannot be used as contraction at the beginning of the word. We observed that those rules are working very well in Turkish Braille system on i devices.
The problem is related to middle usage of the 4 particle contractions which are ba (235), be (356), bu (23), ve (26). Those particle contractions should be used in the middle or beginning of the word but cannot be used in the middle. They become ! 0! 2! 5 respectively. In addition the ve (26) contraction also cannot be used at the end but it should be. As Turkish mostly relies on syllables, on typing those contractions are used very common and when they are problematic the typing efficiency is decreasing.
Please see the below table to reproduce the problem.
The contraction Braille Usage Outcome on middle usage of a word Example word for reproduction Braille typing of the example word Expected outcome current outcome
Ba 235 ! saban 156-235-1345 saban sa!n
Be 356 0 sebep 345-356-1234 sebep se0p
Bu 23 2 tabur 23456-23-1235 tabur ta2r
Ve 26 5 seven 356-26-1345 seven se5n
Ve 26 5 deve 2456-26 Deve De5
Problems On Multi Letter and multi character Contractions
In Turkish, with combinations of two ore more letters or characters, some word contractions can be made. It seems that some multi-letter contractions have been entered to the table incorrectly. Those incorrect contractions are md (134-145) ns (1345-234) and yk (13456-13. In addition the verb contraction 5-l (5-123) is not also correct. See the following table for detailed instructions.
Contraction Braille usage Current wrong result Correct expected result
Md 134-145 madd madde
Ns 1345-234 insa insan
Yk 13456-13 yukar yukarı
Dot 5 L 5-123 ahş alış
Problems On Suffix contractions
The last contraction type in Turkish Braille system is Suffix contractions. In this contraction type The suffixes which often come to end of a word are contracted. As the letters on Those suffixes can vary according to the last vowel those contractions must be relative and must be determined according to the preceding vowel type.
Our Detailed studies showed problems on three of those suffix contractions: 56-d (56-145), 45-t (2345) and 56-yb (13456). Again, it seems that, a systematic confusion might occur during the entery of those contractions to the table. Specifically, the proceeding “e I” and “o ou” are confused on those letters. In Turkish if the vowel e or I exist on last particle of the word, the vowels on the subsequent suffix must be again e or i. this is the grammatical rule of Turkish system. However, on those letter contractions despite the existence of “e I” vowels on proceeding partical the vowels on suffix became u or a.
Conversely, if the last particle of the word contains “o u”, then the suffix must also contain those letters. However, on those suffix contractions although the last particle contains o or u wovels, the vowels on contractions have become e or i. thus a systematic confusion has occurred.
Please see the table below for exact corrections.
The contraction Braille usage Wrong entery Expected correct entery example word Braille Usage Wrong Outcome Expected Correct Outcome
56-d 56-145 e=dukları e=dikleri sevdikleri 345-1236-56-145 sevdukları sevdikleri
56-d 56-145 I=dukları I=dikleri Çizdikleri 16-24-1356-56-145 Çizdukları Çizdikleri
56-d 56-145 O=dikleri O=dukları Oldukları 135-123-56-145 Oldikleri Oldukları
56-d 56-145 U=dikleri U=dukları Buldukları 23-123-56-145 Buldikleri Buldukları
45-t 45-2345 E=tuktan E=tikten Seçtikten 345-16-45-2345 Seçtuktan Seçtikten
45-t 45-2345 I=tuktan I=tikten Içtikten 24-16-45-2345 Içtuktan Içtikten
45-t 45-2345 O=tikten O=tuktan Soktuktan 234-135-13-45-2345 Soktikten Soktuktan
45-t 45-2345 U=tikten U=tuktan Tuttuktan 5-2345-45-2345 Tuttikten tuttuktan
56-y 56-13456 E=uyla E=iyle Sevgiyle 345-1236-1245-56-13456 Sevguyla Sevgiyle
56-y 56-13456 I=uyla I=iyle Silgiyle 234-24-123-1245-56-13456 Silguyla Silgiyle
56-y 56-13456 O=iyle O=uyla Yoluyla 13456-135-123-56-13456 Yoliyle yoluyla
56-y 56-13456 U=iyle U=uyla Kuluyla 13-136-123-56-13456 Kuliyle Kuluyla